Title: Advanced Go Class Lesson Plan: Volume II


In the realm of Go, mastering the intricacies of advanced techniques requires dedication, practice, and a comprehensive understanding of strategic principles. This lesson plan serves as a guide for instructors teaching an advanced Go class. Building upon foundational knowledge, Volume II delves deeper into tactical maneuvers, strategic concepts, and advanced game analysis.

Lesson Objectives


Advanced Tactics

: Explore complex tactical patterns and their applications in various game scenarios.


Strategic Principles

: Understand advanced strategic concepts such as influence, thickness, and direction of play.


Joseki and Fuseki

: Analyze joseki variations and fuseki strategies to gain a deeper understanding of opening theory.


Middle Game Dynamics

: Learn to navigate the complexities of the middle game through effective fighting and shape understanding.


Endgame Mastery

: Develop proficiency in endgame techniques, including counting, tesujis, and efficient play.


Game Review and Analysis

: Engage in indepth analysis of professional game records to extract valuable insights.

Lesson Structure

1. Advanced Tactics (30 mins)

Discuss complex tactical patterns such as snapbacks, squeeze plays, and ladders.

Analyze professional game examples illustrating the application of advanced tactics.

Conduct tactical drills and problems to reinforce understanding.

2. Strategic Principles (30 mins)

Introduce advanced strategic concepts including thickness, influence, and aji.

Explore the relationship between strategic concepts and tactical opportunities.

Analyze professional games to identify strategic decisionmaking in action.

3. Joseki and Fuseki (30 mins)

Review common joseki variations and their purposes in different board positions.

Discuss fuseki strategies focusing on balance, flexibility, and corner enclosure.

Analyze professional games to understand modern joseki and fuseki trends.

4. Middle Game Dynamics (30 mins)

Examine various middle game fighting techniques such as leaning attacks and invasionreduction.

Explore shape principles and their role in determining the outcome of fights.

Analyze professional games highlighting middle game tactics and strategies.

5. Endgame Mastery (30 mins)

Teach advanced endgame techniques including counting, tesujis, and endgame tesujis.

Practice endgame scenarios to develop precision and efficiency.

Analyze professional endgame sequences to understand optimal play.

6. Game Review and Analysis (30 mins)

Review and analyze professional game records, focusing on key strategic and tactical decisions.

Encourage students to ask questions and engage in critical thinking about the games.

Provide personalized feedback and guidance based on student performance and understanding.


Mastering the intricacies of advanced Go requires a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical experience, and analytical skills. By following this comprehensive lesson plan, students can deepen their understanding of advanced tactics, strategic principles, and game dynamics. Through diligent study and practice, students can progress towards becoming formidable players capable of competing at the highest levels of the game.


Davies, James. "Attack and Defense." Slate and Shell, 2008.

Rob van Zeijst and Richard Bozulich. "Whole Board Thinking in Joseki." Kiseido Publishing Company, 1994.

Yang, Yilun. "Fundamental Principles of Go." Slate and Shell, 2003.

Professional Go games for analysis and discussion.

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