Shanghai is a city with a rich history in watchmaking, and its watch brands have garnered international recognition for their quality craftsmanship and unique designs. If you are looking to explore the world of Shanghai watch brands through English websites, here are a few key names to consider:

1. Shanghai Watch Co. (上海手表厂)

Shanghai Watch Co. is one of the oldest and most renowned watch manufacturers in China. Founded in 1955, the company has a longstanding tradition of producing highquality mechanical watches that showcase both traditional craftsmanship and modern innovation. Their English website offers a glimpse into their iconic collections, blending Chinese heritage with contemporary style.

2. Fiyta (飞亚达)

While not exclusively a Shanghaibased brand, Fiyta is a prominent Chinese watch manufacturer with headquarters in Shanghai. Known for their innovative designs and technological advancements, Fiyta watches cater to a wide range of styles and preferences. Their English website provides a detailed overview of their diverse watch collections, highlighting their commitment to excellence.

3. Ebohr (伊宝)

Ebohr is another notable Shanghai watch brand that has gained recognition for its precision timepieces and elegant designs. Established in 1991, Ebohr combines Swiss watchmaking technologies with Chinese aesthetics to create watches that appeal to a global audience. Their English website showcases their latest creations, emphasizing the brand's dedication to quality and sophistication.

4. Rossini (罗西尼)

Although Rossini is headquartered in Guangzhou, the brand has strong ties to Shanghai and is considered one of the leading watch manufacturers in China. With a focus on blending traditional craftsmanship with contemporary trends, Rossini offers a diverse range of watches for both men and women. Their English website features their extensive collection, highlighting their commitment to innovation and style.

Exploring Shanghai watch brands through their English websites can provide valuable insights into the rich heritage and unparalleled artistry of Chinese watchmaking. Whether you are a seasoned watch enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of horology, these brands offer a glimpse into the thriving watch industry in Shanghai and beyond.

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